ocr: Address The address of an item on the Internet, SLC as 3 web page eddress, en I5P adcress, 3 specific user's [ Moil odiress, etc. (Gee UFL). AOL- -America On Line This communcat on netwcre is a large supplier of intormation, providirg ser vices toapproximately three mi lion users AO- provides connection to the Internet, E-Mail service, newsgrours, up-to-date infcrmasion on spo-ts, news, anc much more. (See netwo-k). Animaliun Tho croet: on of the illusion o mo:ion on a comp. per n ATVS SCTFAT hy nlaying A series uf meyes, une ailer .he ulher. al avery fast ratc. (Scc multimed a.) Anunymuus FTP ...